Caring Coop Neighbors
A program to help with the "rainy days" of life.
The Caring Co-op Neighbors Program (CCN) kicked off June 1, 1996. From then through today, the program has assisted 500 families across the 3 county area with more than $375,000 in CCN funds at times when they needed it most.
About Caring Coop Neighbors
Caring Co-op Neighbors is designed to assist NCMEC members who are victims of fire, natural disaster, medical emergency, accident, battering or meet other eligibilty guidelines. Members in need can receive up to $2,500.00 assistance annually from the program. Only NCMEC members who participate in the program are eligible to receive assistance from CCN- the money stays right here in the three-county area!
To tell if you participate, look at your electric bill. If it has a line that says "Caring Coop Neighbors" on it- then you participate. Participation is automatic unless you opt out of the program. Opting out eliminates you from receiving any assistance from the program.
How We Are Funded
Funds for the program are raised by the members of NCMEC who voluntarily "round up" their electric bill to the next higher dollar...and at your option, you may add additional donations each month, either on a one-time basis or automatically each month.
For example, if your electric bill is $64.39, you would be billed for $65.00; the "extra" 61 cents would go into the Caring Co-op Neighbors fund. Some members add $1, $5, $10 and even more each month to assist with the need.
If you wish to help the funding of this program even more you can call, write or email and tell us how much additonal you would like to add to your elecric bill.
The funds, and applications, are administered by a 6-member committee made up of members of the cooperative and local ministers -- 2 from each county served by NCMEC. These trustees serve a 2 year term, with one trustee from each county being appointed each year. The committee meets monthly to screen non-emergency applications and review emergency applications that were funded between meetings. Emergency screenings can be held via fax as needed.
The CCN Trustee Board is made up of a minister and a co-op member from each of the three counties. Currently the board members are as follows:
Linn County:
Rev. Sue Lambert
Ron Miller
Sullivan County:
Sherri Kent
Doug Fairley
Putnam County:
Kevin Collins
Ed Brockmeyer
How to Apply
For additional information, E-Mail us.